Monday 13 October 2008


Welcome to my blog,its all about vibes,vibes run the world.Everything is vibration ,everything you see, everything you feel is vibration.Listen to your thoughts vibrating in your mind can you feel the vibes? Thought is energy vibrating at a fast frequency, every thought travels through the world taking on form. Sound is vibration, instruments vibrate to make musical sounds.Light is vibration it's just waves vibrating at different frequencies.Our bodies are also vibration physical and spiritual,the higher the vibration the more vibrant a person is,the more positive energy they attract. Even objects that look still are constantly vibrating, look at them through a powerful microscope.

We have to learn to realise and recognise the vibes.I am sure that you have had times when you are thinking of someone and suddenly the phone rings or you see them in the street and you say"what a coincidence i was just thinking about you" but it's not coincidence (bun dat) it's vibes, thoughts travelling through the Iniverse.Or have you been driving and taken what you thought was the wrong route and found something you would never have found, subconciously it was the right route.Your higher vibrations are part of the universe there is a direct connection.
Tap into your subconcious mind,the more people we can get to utilise positive vibrations the higher the level of conciousness will be on the earth.Positive vibrations can change the world.Anything one can conceive one can acheive .Let's spread some vibes.Keep posted for meditation tips,how to eliminate negative thoughts and much much more.
Blessed Love


Thom Withoos said...

Words of true wisdom, certainly for us in the western world who are constantly under a siege of materialism. Commercials messing with our thought urging us to not think for ourselves anymore, politicians doing much the same only the product they sell is themselves. I think that's why music is such a powerful vibration, and certainly live music. It comes right from the subconcience of the musician who picks up the vibes from the audience and enters the subconcience and concient awareness of all present people. It's not a product of one only to be sold to another, it's the product of spirits blending together, merging and getting together on a direct level. Maybe even all kinds of art do such a thing. I know when I create an image and show it in one of my galleries sometimes people really can get touched. And often that is me in the Netherlands communicating via visual art with people in China, USA, Italy, anywhere. So it doesn't matter where you are, what you look like or what the color of your skin is, via art, and specially music, we are all able to communicate, and in this regard almost allways do it in the right spirit. What we also have to learn is to to keep this right spirit also in our regular daily life, even when art is not involved.
Good day,
Thom Withoos

RecoveringAa said...

Blessed Love and Thank You for BE~ing Here.....Now!
